Administrator’s Guide
Advanced Configuration and Troubleshooting
Follow these steps to change the Management Server:
1. Right-click another machine, and choose
. Click
to confirm
when prompted. You may only promote a Windows NT server as a
Management Server.
2. To demote an existing Management Server, right-click the machine, and
. Click
to confirm when prompted.
The current Management Server is demoted. If you have not already
promoted another machine,
Management Server Unassigned
appears to
show that the anti-virus domain has no Management Server. You must
now promote another machine to Management Server to let your
anti-virus domain function correctly.
If the Management Console does not have an up-to-date copy of the
Name Provider’s database, it prompts you to make a copy before
removing the Management Server.
3. If the server is available, click
This lets the up-to-date database be moved to the replacement
Management Server that you assign, and ensures consistency between
database records and the computer names on Windows 3.1 machines.
, only if the Management Server is unavailable and will not
become available shortly (for example, due to a hardware failure such as
a disk crash), or if the database is known to be corrupt.
If the Management Server is not available, do not demote or
remove the machine from the anti-virus domain. Wait until the
machine is available, then perform this operation.
If you select
, the Name Provider records copied to the new
Management Server may not be complete, and some newly assigned
names could be missing. See
“Recovering the Name Provider database”
on page 269
, which describes how to handle these machines.