Management Edition
mirror repository
mirror repository
is a remote copy of a master
repository, or database of files for distribution.
If you have two anti-virus domains separated by a WAN
link, or one domain spread over multiple sites, copying
new anti-virus files to each member machine over the
WAN link can be slow and expensive. By copying the
new files from the master repository to a mirror
repository on a remote site, you only copy the new files
across the WAN link once. Then, when the member
machines on the remote site update themselves, they
access their local mirror repository, without using the
WAN link.
There are no restrictions to the number of mirror
repositories. One domain may use multiple mirror
repositories. This is most likely when a domain spans
multiple sites via WAN links.
Name Provider
Name Provider
is a Windows NT service used by
Windows 3.1 machines (and Windows 95 and
Windows 98 machines that have no peer networking)
when they run the Management Agent for the first time,
after the initial install.
A Name Provider resides on each Management Server
and is used to automatically generate a unique machine
name for each Windows 3.1 machine. This is necessary
because, unlike other Windows platforms, Windows 3.1
machines do not have a computer name.
For Windows 95 and Windows 98 machines that have
no peer networking, the Name Provider collects the
machine’s computer name, making it visible to the
Management Console.
on-access scanner
on-access scanner
is one of the anti-virus
components. It scans for viruses when a user or
program attempts to access files.
The Management Edition program lets administrators
ignore the differences between the three Microsoft
Windows platforms. The on-access scanner is therefore
the generic name for these three different programs.