Administrator’s Guide
Updating Your Anti-virus Software
6. This is usually the same directory as the one specified in the
box, but it can be different (e.g., if the tool must look in a different
directory to find some of its files).
7. Use the right-arrow button to insert a substitution parameter into the
path in the
Start in
text box. The same parameters are available as in
8. In the
text box, specify command-line parameters for the
tool. Leave the box blank if you don't want to specify any parameters.
For example, you can specify %AVMACHINE% as a parameter so that
the name of the selected server, AVMACHINE, is passed to the tool for it
to start a session with the selected server.
9. Use the right-arrow button to insert a substitution parameter into the
path in the
text box. The same parameters are available as in
Step 4
10. If the custom tool you specified uses substitution parameters and
requires the Management Console to connect to a selected machine
before launching the tool, select the
Connect to required machine on
launching the tool
11. If you use substitution parameters that make the tool specific to a
selected machine, click
Machine Platforms
to further specify with which
platforms the tool can be used.
The Machine Platforms for Custom Tool dialog box appears (
Figure 5-21. Machine Platforms for Custom Tool dialog box
12. Select the
Launch only for machines with these platforms
option, and
then select the platforms on which the tool can be used (Windows NT,
Windows 95 and Windows 98, Windows 3.x, or NetWare).
When a machine with the correct platform is selected in the Management
Console's anti-virus domain view, the corresponding menu items will be
enabled in the