13130 <FCDA ldInst="Prot" prefix="PhsIoc" lnClass="PIOC"
lnInst="1" doName="Op" daName="general" fc="ST"/>
13131 </DataSet>
13132 <ReportControl name="BRCB01" intgPd="0" confRev="1"
buffered="true" bufTime="0" indexed="false">
13133 <TrgOps dchg="true" qchg="true" dupd="false"
period="true" gi="true"/>
13134 <OptFields seqNum="true" timeStamp="true" dataSet="true"
reasonCode="true" dataRef="true" bufOvfl="false" entryID="false" configRef="true"/>
13135 <RptEnabled max="1"/>
13136 </ReportControl>
Following is the element for a typical data object that is mapped to a FlexLogic operand. The Val element on line 47166
was within the TEMPLATE IED element, in the Prot LDevice element, and in the LN element with lnClass="PIOC" inst="1"
prefix="PhsIoc", so the text in the Val element is the configured value of data attribute TEMPLATEProt/PhsIocPIOC1.Dpo.d.
47164 <DOI name="Dpo">
47165 <DAI name="d">
47166 <Val>PHASE IOC1 DPO operand</Val>
47167 </DAI>
47168 </DOI>
Following is the element for a typical data object that is mapped to a setting that selects a FlexLogic operand. The Val
element on line 47186 was within the same LN element shown previously, so the text of the Val element is the configured
value of TEMPLATEProt/PhsIocPIOC1.BlkRef11.setSrcRef, which has here a 61850 ObjectReference to the FlexLogic
operand "Off." The "@" represents the name of the containing IED element.
47184 <DOI name="BlkRef11">
47185 <DAI name="setSrcRef">
47186 <Val>@Master/LLN0.Off.stVal</Val>
47187 </DAI>
47188 <DAI name="setSrcCB">
47189 <Val></Val>
47190 </DAI>
47191 <DAI name="d">
47192 <Val>PHASE IOC1 BLOCK A setting for setting
group 1.</Val>
47193 </DAI>
47194 </DOI>
The IED element describes the structure of the information model by specifying for each logical node its lnType (for
example, see line 13127 earlier). After the IED element, there is a DataTypeTemplates element that contains LNodeType
elements that define for each lnType the data objects contained in logical nodes of that lnType. Similarly, the components
of each data object type are defined in DOType elements, and the components of structured data attributes are defined in
DAType elements. Deadbands
Deadbands for measured values
The "db" data attributes are used by the relay to determine when to update the "mag" and "cVal" values from the
associated "instmag" and "instcVal" values. Updates trigger reports and GOOSE messages.