The values subject to these requirements include local (that is, non-standard or native) outputs that the IED is able to
publish using means not defined in the standards. For example, if an IED can use non-standard means to map a local
output to GGIO1.Ind1.stVal and then publish GGIO1.Ind1.stVal in a GOOSE message, then compliance to this
implementation model requires that the local output be included as a named logical node output in the ICD file. This is
required even though when the local output is published, the dataset member is GGIO1.Ind1.stVal rather than the local
output. When a CID file is received that requires such a local output to be published, the IED allocates and configures the
local resources as necessary to include the value of the local output in the GOOSE message.
Figure 3-16: Mapping local outputs
The extension rules of the standards are used to create data objects to model outputs where no suitable data objects are
defined in the standards.
Each data object is to contain a d data attribute describing the IED quantity modeled. The description is to at least contain
the manufacturer's designation of the quantity or some reference that can be used to find a detailed functional description
of the output in the IED instruction manual.
As a result of compliance with this clause, a generic configurator on importing this ICD file has at least the IED designation
of all publishable outputs. A generic configurator that can import the manufacturer's namespace also has access to
semantic information on all publishable outputs. Inputs
The information model described by the ICD file also models all inputs that can be configured to receive values via GOOSE.
These inputs are modeled within the so-called Public elements, that is. elements other than Private elements.
The inputs subject to these requirements include any which are able to receive values in GOOSE messages using means
not defined in the standards. For example, if an IED can use standard means to receive values into GGIO1.Ind1.stVal and
non-standard means to select GGIO1.Ind1.stVal to a local input of some function, then this implementation model requires
that this local input be included as an input in the ICD file. Similarly, a local input that can be selected to an internal signal
that receives its value directly from GOOSE messages are also included in the model. When a CID file is received that
requires such a local input to receive values from a GOOSE message, the IED is to allocate and configure the local
resources as necessary to make this happen, which can include mapping the GOOSE value to a data attribute and using
local means to connect this data attribute to the local input.