Section 1 — Controls and Architecture
Keyboard Range
If you select the piano, it will play over the whole keyboard, covering up the bass entirely:
Now you select the bass. This brings it to the top of the pile, and it covers up the piano, but only
in the region where their ranges overlap (the bottom two octaves):
If you play now, you will hear the bass in the bottom two octaves and the Piano over the rest of
the keyboard. If you deselect the bass (by pressing its instrument button again) its yellow LED
goes out and it returns the whole keyboard range to the piano.
This same logic applies no matter how many instruments are loaded and selected. Whichever
one you select comes to the “top of the pile.”
The “Pile” described here only exists in Load Mode. In Edit and Command modes, only one
instrument can be selected at a time.
Stacking Instruments
With either the bass or the piano selected, double-click the other Instrument•Sequence Track
button. Now in the lower two octaves you hear the bass and the piano.
Bass and Piano Stacked
Instruments that you “stack” by double-clicking their instrument buttons will play simultaneously
with whatever other instruments are on the pile. Selecting another instrument (by pressing its
Instrument•Sequence Track button and not by double-clicking), will bring that instrument to
the top, covering up any stacked instruments as well as any selected ones. Up to all eight
instruments can be stacked at once.
Additional Notes:
• Whenever a selected instrument is covered up completely by the selection of another, its
yellow LED goes out — it is automatically deselected.
• Up to all eight instruments can be selected and can play on some part of the keyboard at once,
as long as none is covered up completely.
• You can reset any instruments key range. This is done on the Edit/Instrument page.