Section 11 — WaveSample and Layer Parameters
ASR-10 Musician’s Manual
Edit/Layer Parameters
Edit/Layer Page
The parameters on this page control the layers within an instrument. To access them press Edit,
then Layer.
Press Edit / Layer / 0
Use this parameter to create a portamento glide between notes. This is a monophonic effect that
is triggered when you play legato notes. When set to PEDAL, you must play legato notes (or
sustained notes) and depress the foot pedal to start the glide. The ASR-10 uses constant-time
glide: it will take the same amount of time to glide between notes that are close together (i.e. C4
to D4) as it will to glide between notes that are far apart (i.e. C4 to C7). Glide time is determined
by the LAYER GLIDETIME parameter.
For monophone voice assignment without glide, set LAYER GLIDEMODE to LEGATO,
TRIGGER, or MINIMODE, and set the LAYER GLIDETIME to zero.
• OFF — Glide is off. This is normal polyphonic operation with no portamento.
• LEGATO — Enables monophonic voice assignment, allowing only one voice to be active in the
layer. If a key is depressed before another is released, the voice will glide from the old note to
the new one. The envelopes and WaveSamples are retriggered or restarted each time there is a
new key down.
• PEDAL — Enables the sustain pedal to start the polyphonic glide. In this mode, the glide and
polyphony are controlled by the sustain pedal. When the pedal is up, there is no glide and the
layer is fully polyphonic. When the sustain pedal is depressed, the glide is enabled, and the
polyphony is limited to the number of notes being sounded at the moment. For example, with
the pedal up play a three-note chord. Press the sustain pedal and lift your fingers off the keys
(the three notes will sustain). Now press another key: one of these sustaining notes will glide
to the new note. The envelopes and WaveSamples are retriggered, or restarted, each time
there is a new key down. Keeping a key down will prevent the note from being stolen. This
allows controlled voice leading.
• TRIGGER — This mode plays monophonically, with the envelopes and WaveSamples
retriggering, or restarting, each time there is a new key down. This mode works just like
LEGATO mode, except that it has no “note memory” (see below). It is ideal for adding
monophonic piano “thuds” to piano instruments.
• MINIMODE — Similar to mono mode on old analog synths. The voice will play with one-
voice polyphony, and new notes will glide from the previous note if the previous note is still
held. Unlike the LEGATO, PEDAL, or TRIGGER modes, the envelopes and WaveSamples are
only restricted from the beginning when you play staccato—play a new note with no other
keys down.
LEGATO and MINIMODE feature “note memory.” If you release a key while still holding down
another key, the pitch will glide back to the note you are holding. Holding down the sustain
pedal will dynamically disable note memory.