Section 12 — Sequencer and Audio Track Concepts
About Audio Tracks
Understanding Temporary Record Files (REC FILE)
Temporary Record files are the area on the selected REC SCSI DRIVE that SCSI AudioSamples
will be recorded into. They are stored in file 38, a directory called AUDIO TRACKS, on the
selected REC SCSI DRIVE. This directory is created when you configure Audio Tracks for ATRK
PLAY/REC=SCSI. The two Temporary Record Files are named TEMPORARY000 and
TEMPORARY001, for Audio Tracks A and B respectively, and appear as Instrument files under
Load/Instrument when you are in the AUDIO TRACKS directory. REC FILE=CURRENT BLKS
uses any available space within the current Temporary Record File on the selected SCSI REC
DRIVE. If the Temporary file has a size of 0 Blocks or does not exist, you will get a NOT
ENOUGH DISK SPACE error message (i.e. there’s not enough disk space in the Temporary
Record File). The ASR-10 will be reconfigured for REC SCSI DRIVE=NONE. Note that you can
always create new Temporary files by reconfiguring (provided that you have enough disk space
left on your SCSI device).
Temporary Record Files are dedicated; one for Audio Track A, and the other for Audio Track B.
For example, if you configure for REC FILE=30000 BLKS, you can record 15000 Blocks on Audio
Track A, and 15000 Blocks on Audio Track B (15000 Blocks mono on each of A & B, or 15000
Blocks stereo on both A & B simultaneously, but not 30000 mono on either A or B).
Stereo Audio Track recording time is limited by the size of the smaller of the two Temporary
Record Files. If you have done some mono recording, and then enter Stereo recording, you may
get a NOT ENOUGH DISK SPACE message. We suggest reconfiguring with a REC FILE size
other than CURRENT or NONE to make more room.
Resizing Temporary Record Files to Zero Blocks
Resizing Temporary Record Files to zero blocks can free up disk space on your connected SCSI
storage device. You must first configure with REC SCSI DRIVE set to the Device ID for the SCSI
storage device that contains the Temporary Record Files, and then reconfigure for REC SCSI
DRIVE=NONE. If you configure for REC SCSI DRIVE=NONE without currently being
configured for a SCSI # (for example, first thing after power-up), the Temporary Record Files will
not be resized because the ASR-10 doesn’t recognize which SCSI ID # they reside on.
Deleting Temporary Record Files
You can delete the Temporary Record files manually just like any other disk file:
Press Load, then System•MIDI.
Enter the file 38 AUDIO TRACKS directory by pressing Enter•Yes. This is where all
DiskTrack AudioSamples reside.
Press Load, then Instrument.
Select the ASMPL—##### files that you want to delete using the Data Entry Controls.
Press Cancel•No while holding down the Load button.