Section 8 — Sampling/Signal Source Parameters
This section describes the sampling and signal source parameters. For a general overview of the
concepts involved, refer to the previous section.
Sampling Parameters
There are a number of sampling parameters you can adjust. These parameters are accessed by
pressing the Left/Right Arrow buttons while in Level-Detect mode. To enter Level-Detect mode:
1 - 8
The Display Shows:
Source Select
• Press the Sample•Source Select button to the right of the display. This is the Record Source
parameter screen. The RECORD SOURCE parameter has 2 fields. Field 1 determines which
Audio Source will be sampled. Field 2 determines whether the Audio Source will be sampled
in stereo or mono. For more information about these fields, see Section 7 — Sampling/Signal
Source Concepts.
• Press an unused (no left red LED lit) Instrument•Sequence Track button.
Press Sample•Source Select / Instrument•Sequence Track
After you’ve pressed an unused Instrument•Sequence Track button, the ASR-10 goes into
Level-Detect (or VU) mode:
Input signal level
Sampling Threshold
(or VU) Mode:
In Level-Detect mode, the display acts like a peak-reading VU meter. The vertical bars on the
display lighting from left to right show the level of the incoming signal. The star represents the
sampling threshold — the ASR-10 will not begin recording until the signal crosses this level. The
Sampling Threshold provides a way to make the ASR-10 “wait” until the signal reaches a certain
level before it begins to record. The ASR-10 offers 21 possible sample threshold levels.
To Adjust the Sampling Threshold Level:
• Press the Up Arrow button to raise the threshold, or the Down Arrow button to lower it.
When the sampling threshold is set to minimum (the star all the way to the left of the display) the
ASR-10 will begin sampling as soon as you hit Enter•Yes. The higher (further to the right) you
set the threshold, the higher the input signal will have to be before the ASR-10 begins recording.
By adjusting the sampling threshold level, you can avoid recording a lot of empty space (silence)
at the beginning of your sample.