Section 12 — Sequencer and Audio Track Concepts
ASR-10 Musician’s Manual
About Audio Tracks
Step Four : Preparing Audio Tracks
Select the sample rate
Configure the Audio Tracks
Choose a Record Source
Prepare the Audio Tracks
Audio Tracks that contain data must be prepared before recording or playback. Preparing Audio
Tracks involves cueing up the first AudioSample for each Audio Track.
Preparing the Audio Tracks for recording and playback:
If the sequencer is stopped, selecting a sequence or song that has data recorded on its Audio
Tracks will
not automatically prepare the Audio Tracks for playback. This happens because
preparing the Audio Tracks for playback requires some set-up time to cue up the first
AudioSample for each Audio Track. The SEQ indicator light will flash on all Seq•Song mode
screens (indicating that the current Sequence/Song has data recorded on its Audio Tracks) until
the Audio Tracks are prepared.
• After selecting a new sequence, you must either press Enter•Yes (when the sequence/song
name is underlined), or press an unselected Audio Track button, to prepare the Audio Tracks.
Each time a new Sequence/Song is selected, any currently selected Audio Tracks will be
automatically de-selected as a handy reminder.
• After selecting a Sequence/Song that has data recorded on its Audio Tracks, pressing Play
without either pressing Enter•Yes or selecting an Audio Track will play the sequence tracks
without playing the Audio Tracks. You must first press Stop•Continue, and then press
Enter•Yes, or select an unselected Audio Track, in order to prepare the Audio Tracks and be
able to play them.
• If the sequencer is stopped, pressing Enter•Yes (only when the sequence/song name is
underlined) or selecting an unselected Audio Track will cue up the Audio Tracks (if
Whenever the first AudioSample for each Audio Track is being cued up for playback (after
pressing Enter•Yes on the Sequence Selection page, after selecting an Audio Track, or after
executing various sequencer commands), the display will flash the following message and
return to the last screen displayed:
After Audio Tracks are prepared, the current stopped location will be reset back to the start of
the sequence or song.