Section 12 — Sequencer and Audio Track Concepts
ASR-10 Musician’s Manual
About Audio Tracks
Punching In on Copied Sequences
Recording Different Audio Tracks to Copied Sequences
If you copy a Sequence that contains data recorded on its Audio Tracks, and you want to record a
different version of the Audio Tracks into the copy, you must do the following in order to avoid
recording over the AudioSamples that are triggered by the original Sequence:
1. Copy the sequence using the Command/Seq•Song, COPY SEQUENCE Command.
2. Invoke Command/(audio) Track, ERASE AUDIO TRACK for Audio Tracks A and B, but
This will erase the Audio Trigger events, but will leave the AudioSamples intact to be played
back by the original Sequence. You can now record new Audio Track data into the copy without
affecting the original Sequence.
Punching In on a Copied Audio Track without Affecting the Original
You can record a mono punch-in on a copied Audio Track without affecting the AudioSample
data in the original Audio Track, by bouncing down (re-recording) the playback of one Audio
Track to another Audio Track. Here’s how:
1. Copy the sequence using the Command/Seq•Song, COPY SEQUENCE command. This will
copy the sequence data and the Audio Trigger events only (and not duplicate the
AudioSample data).
If the original sequence had data on both Audio Tracks, then the copied sequence triggers the
same data as the original sequence in both of its Audio Tracks. In order to record in the copy
without affecting the original, you must erase the Audio Trigger events in the copy.
2. Erase all trigger events from one Audio Track in the copied sequence by using the
Command/(audio) Track, ERASE AUDIO TRACK command. Make sure ERASE=ATRK
EVENTS ONLY. This will erase the Audio Trigger events, leaving the AudioSample data
intact. (hence not affecting the playback of the original sequence). Be sure to erase the Audio
Track that you don’t want to punch in on.
3. Bounce-down (with REC SRC=MAIN-OUT on the Sample•Source Select page, and
Edit/Seq•Song, MUTE ATRKS IN REC=NO; see below) from the Audio Track that you want
to punch-in on, to the one that you just erased. This will make a new AudioSample that you
can then safely punch-in on without affecting the original sequence.