CDMA2000 Measurements
User Manual 1173.9511.02 ─ 11
To obtain meaningful OLTR results in combined signaling mode measurements, the
following strategies and settings are recommended:
establish a loopback connection (or a speech connection with a radio configuration
use a step size
30 dB
set the BS output power in a range such that the resulting power steps are within
the dynamic range of both DUT and R&S
OLTR: Limits
The mask limits used for this measurement represent the minimum standard for "Time
Response of Open Loop Power Control" specified in 3GPP2 C.S0011.
OLTR: Results
The OLTR view shows the DUT's responses to the power down and power up steps of
a single OLTR measurement sequence. The responses are recorded as power vs.
time traces, with power values (in dB) relative to the corresponding reference power
level. The direction of the first power step is displayed above, the reference power of
both steps is displayed below the diagrams. The red lines represent the response corri-
dor specified as minimum standard in 3GPP2 C.S0011. Limit violations in particular
time interval are indicated underneath the time axis.
Fig. 5-19: CDMA2000 OLTR Measurement: One Measurement Sequence
Each step trace consists of 60 equidistant values for the reference power interval, 640
equidistant values for the OLTR evaluation interval and 20 equidistant indicators of the
OLTR limit violation.
General Description