1xEV-DO Measurements
User Manual 1173.9511.02 ─ 11
Fig. 3-8: Code domain limit settings
Adjacent Channel Power Limits
The energy that spills outside the designated radio channel increases the interference
with adjacent channels and decreases the system capacity. The amount of unwanted
off-carrier energy is assessed by the Adjacent Channel Power (ACP). The ACP limits
for the individual offset frequencies and carriers are defined in the configuration dialog.
Fig. 3-9: ACP limit settings
The frequency offsets can be configured and the ACP measurements at these offsets
can be enabled per carrier. The limits can be configured as maximum absolute ACP in
dBm and the maximum ACP in dBc relative to carrier power, i.e. relative to narrowband
power for single carrier and to wideband power for multi-carrier measurement.
Minimum requirements for off-carrier emissions are defined in 3GPP2 C.S0033-C, sec-
tion 4.4.1, "Conducted Spurious Emissions". The table below lists some of these
requirements, relevant for the ACP limits.
Frequency Range
Specified Limit
Band Class 0, 2, 5, 7, 9 to 12
885 kHz to 1.98 MHz
1.98 MHz to 4.00 MHz
≤ -42 dB
≤ -54 dB
Band Class 1, 4, 6, 8 or 13
1.25 MHz to 1.98 MHz
1.98 MHz to 4.00 MHz
≤ -42 dB
≤ -50 dB
Occupied Bandwidth Limits
According to 3GPP2 C.S0033-C "The occupied bandwidth is defined as the frequency
range, whereby the power of emissions averaged over the frequency above and under
the edge frequency are 0.5 % each of the total radiation power of a modulated carrier".
General Description