Provisioning Roles
This section describes how to provision roles for the GridTime 3000.
Only an 'Administrator' user can configure Roles on the GridTime 3000.
All CMT and SNMP users set up on the GridTime 3000 have a role mapped to them. The role defines what settings
the user can view and edit (read and write permissions).
By default, the GridTime 3000 only has the 'Administrator' role set up, additional roles have to be set up using the
instructions in this section. Along with the Administrator role, an Administrator user is also set up by default which has
the Administrator role mapped to it.
The Administrator role is hidden in CMT as it can't be edited or removed. The Administrator role allows full access to
all of the GridTime 3000's settings. It is also the only role that can access the CMT settings menu, and is the only role
that can access the CMT's Users module — where CMT user settings are modified and users are added or removed.
Follow the instructions below to set up additional roles for the GridTime 3000 apart from the Administrator role. If no
additional roles are required apart from the Administrator role, please skip this section.
Navigate to the Roles Tab
Click on the 'Settings' icon in the bottom left corner of the CMT's sidebar.
Click on the 'Roles' icon to bring up the Roles window.
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