Section 6: SCPI command reference
Model DMM7510 7½ Digit Graphical Sampling Multimeter Reference Manual
DMM7510-901-01 Rev. B / May 2015
This command defines a trigger model block that waits for an event before allowing the trigger model to continue.
Affected by
Where saved
Default value
Command only
Recall settings
Instrument reset
Power cycle
Save settings
Not applicable
:TRIGger:BLOCk:WAIT <blockNumber>, <event>
:TRIGger:BLOCk:WAIT <blockNumber>, <event>, <clear>
:TRIGger:BLOCk:WAIT <blockNumber>, <event>, <clear>, <logic>, <event>
:TRIGger:BLOCk:WAIT <blockNumber>, <event>, <clear>, <logic>, <event>, <event>
The sequence of the block in the trigger model
The event that must occur before the trigger block allows trigger execution to
continue; see
for event names
To clear previously detected trigger events when entering the wait block:
To immediately act on any previously detected triggers and not clear them (default):
If each event must occur before the trigger model continues:
If at least one of the events must occur before the trigger model continues:
You can use the wait block to synchronize measurements with other instruments and devices.
You can set the instrument to wait for the following events:
Front-panel TRIGGER key press
Notify (only available when using remote commands)
Command interface trigger
Digital input/output signals, such as DIGIO and TSP-Link
Analog trigger
External in trigger
The event can occur before trigger model execution reaches the wait block. If the event occurs after
trigger model execution starts but before the trigger model execution reaches the wait block, the
trigger model records the event. By default, when trigger model execution reaches the wait block, it
executes the wait block without waiting for the event to happen again (the clear parameter is set to
The instrument clears the memory of the recorded event when trigger model execution is at the start
block and when the trigger model exits the wait block. It also clears the recorded trigger event when
the clear parameter is set to enter.