Issue 13 Sep 16
User Guide
Page 70
This box allows the printing of alarm on and off messages on the ‘chart’ to be enabled or disabled as re-
quired. Alarm messages appear on the trend display and in PC Review in the form HH:MM:SS Alarm ON
n/m and HH:MM:SS Alarm OFF n/m, where ‘n’ is the relevant channel number and ‘m’ is the alarm number
(1 or 2).
This tick box allows the printing of alarm acknowledgement messages on the ‘chart’ to be enabled or
disabled as required. Acknowledge messages appear on the trend display and in PC Review in the form
Alarms are acknowledged as described in
section 3.1.4
The ‘Point Type’ box, together with the ‘Selection’ box immediately below, offers a quick way of editing
the contents of a group, as follows:
1. Select the type of point (Channel, Maths, Totaliser or Counter) to be edited from the Point Type drop
down menu.
2. Enter the numbers of all the points of the selected type to be added or deleted, in the ‘Selection’
box. See notes below for further details.
3. Click on ‘Enable’ to add the selected points to the group contents, or on ‘Disable’ to remove them.
4. Repeat for other point types, as required.
1. The status of all points not included in the selection box, remains unchanged.
2. Point numbers are entered individually, or as one or more ranges, separated by commas (if ap-
plicable). For example, an entry of ‘1-3,6,9-11’ would cause points 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 10 and 11 to be
added or removed from the group contents. Only numeric characters, commas and hyphens
(minus signs) are accepted. If any other character (including space(s)) is included in the list, the
edit will fail, with a message ‘ Invalid Selection’ appearing when the ‘Enable’ or ‘Disable’ key is
3. Ranges must be complete: ‘1-’ is not acceptable.
4. Each group may contain any or all points, but for vertical and horizontal trend modes, only the
fi rst 36 are displayed, and for circular trend mode, only the fi rst twelve are traced..
5. If a point number is entered which is greater than the number of that point type fi tted, then the
selection is ignored. For example, if totalisers 1-60 are selected for deletion, and only 12 are
enabled, then the range will be accepted, and totalisers 1 to 12 deleted from the group’s con-
Alternatively, a group’s contents can be edited using the tick-boxes, to include the ticked items in, or to
exclude non-ticked items from, the group, as required.