Issue 13 Sep 16
User Guide
Page 277
7.4.17 Polygon - closed area
This allows a number of pairs of points to be entered, which, if valid, will then be joined by straight lines.
The fi rst and last points are automatically joined, by the recorder. The shape, drawn in the specifi ed fore-
ground colour, with the specifi ed line width, can be fi lled with the specifi ed background colour.
Note: When working in percentage units, it should be remembered that vertical percentage units
are only 2/3 the size of horizontal percentage units - this affecting the appearance of the drawn item
Example: To draw a left pointing solid arrow, positioned with its point at the centre of the screen.
Access the component page as described in
section 7.2.3
, select ‘polygon - closed area’ and press Ok. In
the properties page, carry out the following confi guration (units = %):
X position = 50, Y position = 50,
Background colour = 22, Foreground colour = 30
Draw edge = Yes, Fill area = Yes
X points = 0,10,10,30,30,10,10
Y points = 0, -15, -5, -5, 5, 5, 15
Press Apply, then Close to produce a dark green arrow, with pale green outline, as depicted in fi gure
7.4.17 below.
Figure 7.4.17 Polygon example
Point 1
X= 0; y= 0
Point 2
X=10; y=-15
Point 3
X=10; y=-5
Point 4
X=30; y=-5
Point 5
X=30; y= 5
Point 6
X=10; y= 5
Point 7
X=10; y= 15
Group 1 • User Screen 1
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