Issue 13 Sep 16
User Guide
Page 251
6.6.1 Display Modes
When the program starts, the Home page, as set up in Confi guration\Views (
section 4.3.4
) is displayed on
the computer screen. By click-dragging on the bottom right hand corner of the display, the page size can
be edited as required. It is thus possible for the computer to log on to, say four, different recorders and
to display their values simultaneously in different parts of the screen.
The up/down arrow keys allow the enabled display modes to be cycled through and the root menu ‘Goto
View’ menu allows a specifi c display mode to be chosen for the current group. The Home display page
can be returned-to at any time, by operating the Root Menu key followed by the Home key.
Note: Any changes to the recorder’s group confi guration are refl ected immediately at the
Host PC’s screen.
6.6.2 Ala rm acknowledgement
The alarm acknowledgement/read messages functions are as described in
section 3.1.4
6.6.3 Status line
The status line at the top of the screen refl ects the status of the instrument to which the recorder is con-
nected - e.g. system messages, global alarm, FTP, clock etc.