Issue 13 Sep 16
User Guide
Page 56
4.2.1 Save
Touching this item allows the current confi guration to be saved in the recorder’s memory. Files saved in
this way are not in a ‘readable’ format and are used only for archive /security purposes or for transfer to
another, similar, recorder.
This selection box allows a confi guration to be saved, if required, in a format suitable for importing into
previous recorder models. The default is always the current instrument.
4.2.2 Restore
Touching this item allows the user to select or type-in a previously saved confi guration fi le name, which
will then be used as the current confi guration. Touching the ‘Restore’ key completes the operation.
Check boxes allow one or more of Confi guration Data, Security data (note 3), Network data and Screen
data to be chosen for the restore function.
1 Screen data restores faceplate status for vertical trend and vertical bargraph modes, and user
screen information (if the option is fi tted).
2. If archiving is in progress when a ‘Restore’ is requested, the Restore operation will be delayed
until the archive is complete (maybe several minutes). If required, the ‘Cancel Archive’ key (
tion 4.1
above) can be used to speed up the Restore process, at the cost of losing the archive
3. If ‘Centralised Security’ is active (part of Security/Management confi guration -
section 4.4.2
‘Security Data’ is not selectable (either for ‘Restore’ or for ‘New’ (below)).
4. If the fi le to be restored has been created using ‘C-Edit’ software, each of the characters used
in the fi le name must lie within the unicode range 0 to 255, or the fi le name might not be dis-
played correctly.
4.2.3 New
Touching this item causes the factory entered default confi guration to be loaded for use, or for editing.
Operation of the New/Default key completes the operation. Tick boxes allow one or more of Confi gura-
tion Data, Security data (note 3 above) and Network data to be chosen for the restore default function;
only those items which are ticked are replaced by default values.
For recorders with the User Screens option (
section 7
), a further tick box is displayed - ‘Screen Data’
4.2.4 Text
This is identical to the ‘Save’ function described above, but the confi guration is saved in ASCII format, and
can be transferred to a computer and read, printed etc. as required. It is not possible, using this means,
to modify the confi guration and then re-load it.
4.2.5 Import screen
This fi eld appears only if the User Screens option (
section 7
) is fi tted, and allows a previously exported
User Screen fi le to be imported.
4.2.6 Export screen
This fi eld appears only if the User Screens option (
section 7
) is fi tted, and allows a User Screen to be ex-
ported to a removable memory device or to the internal Flash memory. The exported screen can subse-
quently be imported either into this recorder or into a different recorder.