Issue 13 Sep 16
User Guide
Page 200
4.4.1 ACCESS LEVELS (Cont.)
Allows an access level or an individual Full User Name to be selected from a pick list.
For units fi tted with Security Manager option only, this allows a security domain name of up to 60 charac-
ters to be entered, for the user selected in the ‘Access when’ fi eld. If the default (blank) is not edited, then
the user can gain access using password setup in the ‘New password’ fi eld described below. If a new
domain name is entered here, or if one already appears, the ‘New Password’ and ‘Retype Password’ fi elds
are not displayed, and the user must use his or her network login password, as allocated by the user’s IT
department or Network administrator.
Details of the Active Directory Server are entered in Network/Address confi guration (
section 4.5.1
). Pass-
words can be edited as described in ‘Change Password’ (
section 4.4.5
If ‘Centralised security’ is enabled in the Security/Management menu (
section 4.4.2
) then the Domain
name can be confi gured only using Security Manager software.
Note: An IP address must not be used as the domain name because to do so will disable the
user’s ability to log in using Active Directory, even if there is a valid account on the server.
These fi elds do not appear if ‘Access when’ = ‘Logged Out’, or if the ‘Domain Name’ is anything other
than left blank.
These fi elds allow a new password to be entered for the selected access level or User. The password
must also be entered in the ‘Re-type Password’ fi eld. If the two differ, a warning message (Passwords did
not match) appears when the APPLY key is operated, and password entry must be repeated. If the pass-
word does not comply with the minimum length requirements in Security Management (if fi tted) (
), a warning message (Invalid Password) appears when the ‘Apply’ key is operated, and password
entry must be repeated.
Enabling this fi eld, causes two further entry boxes: ‘Remote user name’ and ‘ Remote password’ to ap-
pear. These items are used in establishing connection between a host computer and the recorder. The
Remote user name is, by default, the Access Level (e.g. ‘Engineer’) or the User ID.
To make use of the Web server facility (
Annex C
), ‘Allow web server’ (below) must also be enabled.
These two entry boxes allow user name and password to be entered for use by the remote host operator.
The remote user will be able to access the recorder confi guration according to the other access permis-
sions enabled in this page. The password must be entered twice to ensure integrity.
To allow unrestricted view-only to the host, ‘Logged out’ permission level should be selected and then a
user name of ‘anonymous’ entered, and the password fi eld left blank.
1. Remote login will be refused if the user account is disabled for any reason.
2. For maximum security, it is recommended that the remote password and the ‘local’ password
are non-identical.
3. Attempts to establish a
Bridge connection
will fail if the relevant Remote User Name contains
characters with ASCII codes greater than 127 (such as é, è, a., ü etc.).
Section B6
(Annex B)
shows codes 0 to 127.