Issue 13 Sep 16
User Guide
Page 367
14.2.1 Introduction
This option uses two Remote CJC Block units to allow up to 30 thermocouples of any type(s) to be con-
nected to the recorder using miniature compensating connectors at a DIN rail mounted Remote CJ con-
nector unit, with copper wire connections from this unit to the recorder input boards.. Thermocouples
may be connected to the Remote CJ unit directly, or by using extension compensating cable.
Each row of fi ve sockets has an associated aluminium bar, to which is bonded a resistance temperature detec-
tor (RTD) which acts as a cold junctions sensor, connected to the sixth channel of each of the six input boards.
Most connector numbers do not match the input channel numbering, but the recorder confi guration
names the channels in an unambiguous way, to reduce confusion. Table 14.2.1 gives details.
Note: Both of the Remote CJC Block units have connectors numbered 1 to 15, so it is important
that the units be identifi ed clearly as, for example’ the ‘input boards 1 to 3’ unit and the ‘input
boards 4 to 6’ unit in order to reduce the possibility of wiring errors.
Table 14.2..1 Connector/channel cross reference
14.2.2 Signal wiring
Thermocouples must not be attached to voltages greater than 24V,
Signal wiring consists of
1. connecting the transducer wires into the correct type of plug (fi gure 14.2.2a), and inserting the plugs
into the relevant sockets in the remote CJ unit.
2 Connecting the Remote CJ unit to the recorder input board terminals..
Figure 14.2.2b shows the arrangement of the connectors at the Remote CJ Block units; Figure 14.2.2c
shows the recorder connector layout and fi gure 14.2.2d shows the wiring between the remote CJ unit
and the recorder.
Figure 14.2.2a Connector detail (typical)
Connector 1 - Channel 1
Connector 2 - Channel 2
Connector 3 - Channel 3
Connector 4 - Channel 4
Connector 5 - Channel 5
Connector 6 - Channel 7
Connector 7 - Channel 8
Connector 8 - Channel 9
Connector 9 - Channel 10
Connector 10 - Channel 11
Connector 11 - Channel 13
Connector 12 - Channel 14
Connector 13 - Channel 15
Connector 14 - Channel 16
Connector 15 - Channel 17
Connector 1 - Channel 19
Connector 2 - Channel 20
Connector 3 - Channel 21
Connector 4 - Channel 22
Connector 5 - Channel 23
Connector 6 - Channel 25
Connector 7 - Channel 26
Connector 8 - Channel 27
Connector 9 - Channel 28
Connector 10 - Channel 29
Connector 11 - Channel 31
Connector 12 - Channel 32
Connector 13 - Channel 33
Connector 14 - Channel 33
Connector 15 - Channel 35
Input boards
1 to 3
Input boards
4 to 6
+ wire