Issue 13 Sep 16
User Guide
Page 267
Colour channel
All channels
Allows a channel to be defi ned to be used in percentile or quartile
fi lling or as a source of channel thresholds or channel alarms, as
selected in ‘Colour style’, below.
Colour foregrounds None
Used only if Colour style = ‘Channel Alarms’ or ‘Channel thresh-
olds’. A semicolon-separated list of foreground colours for the
component being confi gured. The number of colours entered
must match the number of alarms or threshold values as appro-
priate. Overrides any entry in ‘Foreground Colour’. Colours are
entered by touching each required selection in turn. The semico-
lon separators are entered automatically, in front of each selection
(apart from the fi rst).
Colour style
Channel thresholds
Allows a number of semicolon-separated values to be entered,
to act as colour change triggers for the component being con-
fi gured. The values are those of the source channel selected
in ‘Colour Channel’ described above. The number of threshold
values entered must match the number of colour values entered in
Colour Foregrounds and Colour Backgrounds.
Channel Alarms
Allows a number of semicolon-separated values (1 to 4) to be
entered, to act as colour change triggers for the component
being confi gured. These values represent alarms 1 to 4 of the
source channel selected in ‘Colour Channel’ described above.
The number of alarms entered must match the number of colour
values entered in Colour Foregrounds and Colour Backgrounds.
Point is displayed in the colour of the latest active alarm. For
example: Alarms confi gured 1,2. Foreground colours confi gured
3;0 (amber and red). When alarm 1 goes active, the component
goes amber. When alarm 2 goes active the component goes red.
When alarm two clears, component reverts to Amber and so on.
Background quartile Background colour represents the value of the colour channel.
Colour 0 appears for values below 25%, colour 1 for values be-
tween 25 and 50 %, colour 3 for values between 50 and 75% and
colour 4 for values above 75 %. Foreground colour is default (-1).
Foreground quartile As background quartile but for the foreground colour. Back-
ground colour is default (-1).
Background decimal Background colour represents the value of the colour channel.
Colour 0 appears for values below 10%, colour 1 for values be-
tween 10 and 20 %, colour 2 for values between 20 and 30% and
so on up to colour 9. Foreground colour is default (-1).
Foreground decimal As background decimal but for the foreground colour. Back-
ground colour is default (-1).
Colour Thresholds None
Used only when Colour style = ‘Channel thresholds’. A semicolon-
separated list of (Colour channel) values, used to change the col-
our of the component being confi gured according to the process
value of the point selected in ‘Colour Channel’ described above.
The number of threshold values entered must match the number
of colours defi ned in ‘Colour Backgrounds’ and ‘Colour Fore-
grounds’, described above.
Decimal places
Number of decimal places in Channel data display.
Pick list content
Table 7.3.2 Advanced edit level parameters (sheet 2 of 6)