Inteli NT MINT, SW Version 2.6, ©ComAp – November 2011
IGS-NT-MINT-2.6-Reference Guide.PDF
On-line direct, Modem or Internet single or multiple engine monitoring
Active Modem or Internet call from the controller to PC (activated by selected Alarm)
On-line or Off-line History record listing
Setpoints listing and adjusting (password protected)
Statistics value (e.g. Running hours) Set/Reset
Password and Access code change
Modbus protocol
Standard protocol enables receive/transmit any data or command from a Master system:
Direct connection: RS232, RS422, RS485
9600, 19200, 38400 or 57600 bps, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity
Transfer mode RTU
Function 3 (Read Multiply Registers)
Function 6 (Write Single Register)
Function 16 (Write Multiply Registers)
The response to an incoming message depends on the communication speed. The delay is not shorter
than the time needed to send/receive 3 and ½ characters.
The complete description of Modbus communication protocol can be found in
Modbus Protocol Reference
Guide PI-MBUS-300
Open Modbus Specification Release 1.0
. Both documents are available from web
site at
Detail Modbus command description see in ComAp InteliCommunication guide.
Value and setpoint codes
It is possible to export actual values, setpoints and history file on-line from the controller or off-line from the
archive using InteliMonitor – Monitor – Export data… function.
Technical data
Technical data of the controller and extension modules find in the IGS-NT-Installation guide-x.y.pdf.
Language support
IG-NT from display firmware version 1.4 supports following language code pages:
Code page
Windows code
West European languages Windows 1252
134 Chinese
GB 2312
162 Turkish
Windows 1254
129 Korean
Windows 1258
204 Russian
Windows 1251
East European languages Windows 1250