Inteli NT MINT, SW Version 2.6, ©ComAp – November 2011
IGS-NT-MINT-2.6-Reference Guide.PDF
Horn flashing
If any alarm comes up, the output starts periodic closing/opening with period 1s/1s. It opens and stays open
if FAULT RESET or HORN RESET is pressed or if
Engine protect:
Horn timeout
has elapsed.
Common Hst
The output closes if any “History record”-protection type appears. The output opens after 1s.
Common LoP
The output closes if any “Low power”-protection type appears. The output opens, if no “Low power”-
protection type is active. No FAULT RESET needed.
Common Al
The output closes if any “Alarm only”-protection type appears. The output opens, if no “Alarm only”-
protection type is active and FAULT RESET has been pressed.
Common Wrn
The output closes if any “Warning”-protection type appears. The output opens, if no “Warning”-protection
type is active and FAULT RESET has been pressed.
CommonActLev 1
The output is a logical OR of Common Al and Common Wrn outputs.
CommonAlLev 1
The output is active if at least one of the 1
level alarms (Al, Wrn) is active or not yet confirmed.
See picture below with signal behaviour description. The same behaviour like for “Warning”-protection type
would be for “Alarm only”.
The same behaviour, but with signals CommonActLev 2 and CommonAlLev 2 would be for
“BreakerOpen&Cool-down”, “Slow stop” and “Shutdown”-protection types
Common OfL
The output closes if any “Off load”-protection type appears. The output opens, if no “Off load”-protection type
is active. No FAULT RESET needed.