Inteli NT MINT, SW Version 2.6, ©ComAp – November 2011
IGS-NT-MINT-2.6-Reference Guide.PDF
FuelSol offset
[ s ]
This setpoint adjusts the Fuel solenoid output activation in relation to Starter output. Positive values mean
that fuel valve is opened after the Starter, negative values mean that it is open before. Negative values are
suppressed if
Fuel solenoid
0,1 s
-5,0 – 5,0 s
D+ function
The D+ terminal is not used.
CHRGFAIL:The D+ terminal is used for charge fail detection only.
The D+ terminal is used for both functions – “running engine” detection and charge fail detection.
Expected behavior of the D+ terminal with regard to connection of the D+ alternator terminal, alternator type
and setting the D+ function setpoint:
1. If the D+ terminal is not connected, its voltage will be ~0V when the engine is not running, ~Ubat -4V
during the start and ~0V when the engine is running
2. If the D+ terminal is connected to a standard alternator D+ input, it will have ~0V when the engine is
not running, the voltage will increase from 0 to Ubat as the alternator speed increases during the
start and will have ~Ubat when the engine is running
3. There are some alternators equipped with electronic regulators, which are "self-excited" and do not
provide standard D+ terminal. They may provide other terminal ("L" or other), which is designed for
connection of a red bulb failure indication instead of D+ . However, this terminal can be "open
collector" only and it will not work with ComAp controllers as it does not provide voltage.
Bin selector 1-4
[ OFF / ON ]
These setpoints are linked with binary outputs Bin selector X. Activity of these outputs depends on setpoint
The corresponding binary output is not active.
The corresponding binary output is active.
Force value possibility: Yes
The setpoints are intended for ECU control, e.g. nominal speed switching. The binary output values can be
transmitted to ECU and control particular functions.
[ % / h ]
This setpoint adjusts the maximal allowed drop of the fuel level within one hour. If measured drop is higher
then Fuel theft alarm is issued. The setpoint should be adjusted according to the maximal hour fuel rate of
the engine and capacity of the tank.
A 100kW engine has specific fuel rate of 180g/kWh. Fuel tank capacity is 200l.
The hour fuel rate at nominal power is then 100 * 180 = 18000g per hour, what is about 21 litres (density cca
830g/l => 18000/830 = 21). The maximal hour rate is then about 10% of the tank capacity, so optimal
adjustment for this case will be 15% (with certain reserve).
The logical analog input
Fuel level
must be configured onto the physical analog input where fuel level sensor
is connected.
Engine protect
Horn timeout
[ s ] (FV)
The maximum amount of time the Binary output Horn is closed (horn, buzzer will sound). OFF = the output
won’t be activated, NO TIMEOUT = the output stays closed until the alarm has been reset.
OFF, 1 – 3600 s, NO TIMEOUT
Force value possibility: Yes