Starting Operation of the Controller B1 v3.0
Controller B1 v3.0 – 11 Installation in OS/2
If the I/O address and interrupt of the ISDN-Controller must
be changed after installation, for instance, because new
hardware devices were installed, change the position of the
jumper on the ISDN-Controller first. Then enter this I/O ad-
dress and any new interrupt setting in the ISDNLOAD.CFG
file. Another option is to re-install the driver software and
enter the changed values during installation.
11.2 Starting Operation of the Controller
B1 v3.0
If you specified during installation that the ISDN-Controller is
to be activated each time the computer is started, when the
system is restarted, the following message appears: “Device
driver for AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 installed”.
Loading the ISDN-Controller
The ISDN-Controller is installed manually by double-clicking
the “B1 Load” icon in the “AVM” folder. An OS/2 window is
opened. Once the controller has been loaded successfully,
the following message appears on the screen:
Message after loading in OS/2
Unloading the ISDN-Controller
To unload the Controller B1 v3.0, double-click “B1Unload”. A
message acknowledges that the driver has been unloaded.
AVM Berlin
ISDN-Controller B1
Serial No. xxxxxxx
E-DSS1 / Release xxxxxx
Address xxx / IRQ x
Add. Service:Telefax G3, Fax Polling, DTMF, V.110, V.120, GSM,
CAPI 1.1.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 72 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15