Controller B1 v3.0
AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
This manual and the software it describes are protected by copyright. The
manual and software as presented are the object of a license agreement
and may be used only in accordance with the license conditions. The licen-
see bears all risk in regard to hazards and impairments of quality which may
arise in connection with the use of this product.
This manual and the software it describes may not be transmitted, reprodu-
ced or altered in whole or in part, in any form, by any means, nor may they
be translated into any other natural or computer language. The creation of a
backup copy for personal use is excepted. The information hereby made
available to the licensee may be communicated to third parties only with the
written permission of AVM Berlin.
This software and documentation have been produced with all due care and
checked for correctness in accordance with the best available technology.
AVM Berlin disclaims all liability and warranties, whether express or im-
plied, relating to this product’s quality, performance or suitability for any gi-
ven purpose which deviates from the performance specifications contained
in the product description.
AVM will not be liable for damages arising directly or indirectly from the use
of the manual or related software, nor for incidental or consequential dama-
ges, except in case of intent or gross negligence. AVM expressly disclaims
all liability for loss of or damage to hardware, software or data as a result of
direct or indirect errors or destruction and for any costs, including ISDN,
GSM and ADSL connection charges, related to the software and manual sup-
plied and due to incorrect installations not performed by AVM itself.
The information in this manual and the software it describes are subject to
change without notice for the purpose of technical improvement.
© AVM Vertriebs KG 2000. All rights reserved.
Documentation release 2.7.01
AVM in the Internet: http://www.avm.de
Trademark notice: AVM and FRITZ! are registered trademarks of AVM Vertrie-
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AVM Audiovisuelles Marketing
und Computersysteme GmbH
Alt-Moabit 95
AVM Computersysteme Vertriebs
GmbH & Co.KG
Alt-Moabit 95
10559 Berlin
10559 Berlin
HB_B1V30.book Seite 2 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15