COMpact 5000/R - Firmware V6.6A - Installation, Operation and Configuration V05 03/2016
Door Functions
Entering DTMF Sequences to Control a Door Terminal
If a door call should also be executed via VoIP accounts or GSM gateways,
in any case the external number must be entered with the corresponding city
code, even if it is the local prefix.
16. Click
17. Click
Further steps:
Add the phone number you have just entered to the SIP settings of the door terminal. Enter
the PBX as domain, registrar, etc. of the VoIP door terminal.
To change the settings of the just created door terminal, click
the line of the corresponding door terminal on the page
Devices > Device
To create further configurations for a door terminal, open the page
> Door terminals
and click
in the line of the corresponding door
terminal. The configuration is described in the following.
To reset the door terminal to the default settings of the device template,
delete the door terminal on page
Devices > Device wizard
and create the
door terminal again.
Entering DTMF Sequences to Control a Door Terminal
The PBX uses DTMF sequences to control the analogue door terminals. For this purpose, the
PBX needs to know which DTMF sequences the connected device requires to enable or
terminate the connection (see the manual of the device in question).
Proceed as follows:
Separately for door terminals
Using the configuration manager
Created analogue door terminal