COMpact 5000/R - Firmware V6.6A - Installation, Operation and Configuration V05 03/2016
Call Forwarding
Switching Call Forwarding for External Numbers On/Off
Proceed as follows:
Separately for external numbers
Separately for configurations
Using the configuration manager
Using a character string on the internal telephone (see section Short Reference)
Using the menu/function key on a system telephone (optional, see the telephone manual)
On a system telephone COMfortel 1100/1500/1600/2500/2500 AB/VoIP
2500 AB/2600/3200/3500, you can switch on/off/over the call forwarding of
external numbers either for the current configuration or for permanent config-
uration using the function key (see the manual for the telephone).
With a standard telephone you can change call forwarding in the permanent
configuration and switch on the permanent configuration or the current
configuration using a digit sequence.
As soon as every call forwarding has been switched off in the permanent
configuration, the permanent configuration for the corresponding phone
number is switched off and the configuration-dependent settings apply.
To override the configuration-dependent settings with no call forwarding,
enable call forwarding in the permanent configuration without specifying a
destination number.
Configured external numbers
1. Open the page
Public switched tel. networks > Call forwarding
If several configurations (PBX profiles) have been created, these will be available as
2. With several configurations: Click the tab with the desired configuration.
3. Depending on the call forwarding type desired, select or clear one of the following
check boxes
CF immediately
CF on busy
CF on no reply
4. If you have enabled a call forwarding type, enter the destination number in the
nation number
entry field under the desired call forwarding type
CF immediately
, or
CF on busy
, or
CF on no reply
. Possible entries: