DRV-28 inverter
s Basic operartion instructions
Fig 5.2 Main interface of LCD
Displayed contents
Header A
Real-time display
Display the real-time; clock battery is not included; the time
needs to be reset when powering on the inverter
Header B
Inverter running state
display area
Display the running state of the inverter:
Display motor rotating direction: "Forward" – Run
forward during operation; Reverse – Run reversely during
operation; "Forbid" – Reverse running is forbidden;
Display inverter running command channel: "Local" –
Keypad; "Terminal" – Terminal; "Remote" - Communication
Display current running state of the inverter : "Ready" –
The inverter is in stop state (no fault); "Run" – The inverter is
in running state; "Jog" – The inverter is in jogging state;
"Pre-alarm" – the inverter is under pre-alarm state during
running; "Fault" – Inverter fault occurred.
Header C
Inverter station no.
and model display
Display inverter station no.: 01–99, applied in
multi-drive applications (reserved function);
Inverter model display: "DRV-28" – current inverter is
DRV-28 series inverter
Display D
The parameter name
and function code
monitored by the
Display the parameter name and corresponding function code
monitored by the inverter; three monitoring parameters can
be displayed simultaneously. The monitoring parameter list
can be edited by the user
Display E
Parameter value
monitored by the
Display the parameter value monitoring by the inverter, the
monitoring value will be refreshed in real time
Footer F
Corresponding menu
of function key (4),
(5) and (6)
Corresponding menu of function key (4), (5) and (6). The
corresponding menu of function key (4), (5) and (6) varies
with interfaces, and the contents displayed in this area is also