PassFinder AP2520 VoIP Router/Gateway Operation Manual
Version 1.10 / Mar. 2002
AddPac Technology Co., Ltd.
Listen normal dial tone of PBX machine, and then press dial No. 9 for external
PSTN connection.
Listen dial tone, and then press dial No. 12345678 for PSTN call.
Speak over the telephone
Finish speaking out.
4) Phone B to PSTN user B using user class 3
Hang up Phone B
Press dial No. 100 of Phone B FXO voice port
Listen shot dial tone, and then press password No. 7890 as user class 3.
Listen normal dial tone of PBX machine, and then press dial No. 9 for external
PSTN connection.
Listen dial tone, and then press dial No. 123456789 for PSTN call.
Speak over the telephone
Finish speaking out.