MicroBlaze Processor Reference Guide
UG081 (v14.7)
Chapter 4:
MicroBlaze Application Binary Interface
Table 4-3:
Stack Convention
Consider an example where Func1 calls Func2, which in turn calls Func3. The stack representation
at different instances is depicted in
. After the call from Func 1 to Func 2, the value of the
stack pointer (SP) is decremented. This value of SP is again decremented to accommodate the stack
frame for Func3. On return from Func 3 the value of the stack pointer is increased to its original
value in the function, Func 2.
Details of how the stack is maintained are shown in
High Address
Function Parameters for called sub-routine (Arg n .. Arg1)
(Optional: Maximum number of arguments required for any called
procedure from the current procedure).
Old Stack Pointer Link Register (R15)
Callee Saved Register (R31....R19)
(Optional: Only those registers which are used by the current procedure
are saved)
Local Variables for Current Procedure
(Optional: Present only if Locals defined in the procedure)
Functional Parameters (Arg n .. Arg 1)
(Optional: Maximum number of arguments required for any called
procedure from the current procedure)
New Stack
Link Register
Low Address
X-Ref Target - Figure 4-1
Figure 4-1:
Stack Frame
High Memory
Low Memory
Func 1
Func 1
Func 1
Func 1
Func 2
Func 2
Func 2
Func 3