Common Measurement Settings
User Manual 1173.9411.02 ─ 43
Active probes
When using active probes from the R&S RT family, consider the following:
Active probes require operating power from the instrument and have a proprietary
interface to the instrument.
The probe is automatically recognized by the instrument, no adjustment is
Connections should be as short as possible to keep the usable bandwidth high.
Observe the operating voltage range.
Microbutton action
You can define an action to be performed by the R&S
FSW when the probe's microbut-
ton (if available) is pressed. Currently, a single data acquisition via the probe can be
performed simply by pressing the microbutton.
Analog Baseband Probes
Probes are automatically detected when you plug them into the upper BASEBAND
INPUT connectors on the front panel of the R&S
FSW. The detected information on the
probe is displayed in the "Probes" tab of the "Input" dialog box, individually for each
To determine whether the probe has been connected properly and recognized by the
FSW, use the
remote control command.
Analog baseband input from connected probes can only be analyzed in applications
that support I/Q data processing and the optional Analog Baseband Interface
FSW-B71), such as the I/Q Analyzer, the Analog Demodulation application, or
one of the optional applications.
However, probes can also provide RF input to the R&S
INPUT I connector. In this case, the input is redirected to the RF input path. Then the
probe data can also be analyzed in the Spectrum application, allowing you to perform
measurements in the time or frequency domain on the input from a probe.
For details see the R&S
FSW I/Q Analyzer and I/Q Input User Manual.
As opposed to common RF input processing, a transducer is activated before the com-
mon process to compensate for the additional path of the redirected signal.
Impedance and attenuation
The measured signal from the probe is attenuated internally by the probe's specific
attenuation. For probe signals that are redirected to the RF path, the attenuation is
compensated by the transducer. The reference level is adjusted automatically.
For analog baseband input, the attenuation is compensated without a transducer. In
this case, higher levels are available for the full scale level.
Data Input and Output