Common Measurement Settings
User Manual 1173.9411.02 ─ 43
Sweep/Average Count
Defines the number of sweeps to be performed in the single sweep mode. Values from
0 to 200000 are allowed. If the values 0 or 1 are set, one sweep is performed.
The sweep count is applied to all the traces in all diagrams.
If the trace modes "Average", "Max Hold" or "Min Hold" are set, this value also deter-
mines the number of averaging or maximum search procedures.
In continuous sweep mode, if "Sweep Count" = 0 (default), averaging is performed
over 10 sweeps. For "Sweep Count" =1, no averaging, maxhold or minhold operations
are performed.
For more information, see
Chapter, "How Much Data is Measured: Sweep
For spectrogram displays, the sweep count determines how many sweeps are com-
bined in one frame in the spectrogram; that is: how many sweeps the R&S
FSW per-
forms to plot one trace in the spectrogram result display. For more details, see
Remote command:
Sweep Points
Defines the number of measured values to be collected during one sweep.
For details see
Chapter, "How Much Data is Measured: Sweep Points and
All values from 101 to 100001 can be set. The default value is 1001 sweep points.
For EMI measurements, 200001 sweep points are available.
Remote command:
In FFT mode, several FFT analysis steps are required to cover the entire measurement
span. The span which is covered by one FFT analysis step is called
. The sub-
span cannot be defined directly, but it can be optimized according to measurement
To determine the number of required subspans for the measurement, see
Bandwidth, Filter and Sweep Configuration