Measurements and Results
User Manual 1173.9411.02 ─ 43
5. Select the "CP / ACLR Config" softkey to configure general MSR settings, including
the number of sub blocks (up to 8).
To configure asymmetric adjacent channels, deactivate the "Symmetrical" option in
the general MSR settings.
6. Select the "Tx Channels" tab to configure the sub blocks and transmission chan-
For each sub block:
a) Define the (center frequency) position and bandwidth of the sub block, as well
as the number of transmission channels it contains.
b) For each transmission channel in the sub block:
● Define the center frequency.
● Select the technology used for transmission.
● Check the bandwidth.
● If necessary, define the use of a weighting filter for the channel.
7. Select the "Adjacent Channels" tab to configure the adjacent channels.
8. Define the number of adjacent channels and the settings for each channel:
● The spacing, defined as the distance of the center frequency from the center
frequency of the first transmission channel in the first sub block.
For asymmetrical channels, define the upper adjacent channel spacing as the
distance from the center frequency of the last transmission channel in the last
sub block.
● The bandwidth
● If necessary, a weighting filter
● Optionally, define
and activate
relative or absolute limits, or both, against which
the power levels of the channel are to be checked.
9. Select the "Gap Channels" tab to configure the gap channels.
10. Define the following settings for the two (upper or lower) gap channels. Since the
upper and lower channels are identical, it is only necessary to configure two chan-
● The spacing, defined as the distance of the center frequency from the outer
edge of the sub block to the left or right of the gap. You can determine the
required spacing as follows:
Spacing = [CF of the gap channel] - [left sub block center] + ([RF bandwidth of
left sub block] /2)
● The bandwidth
● If necessary, a weighting filter
● Optionally, define
and activate
relative or absolute limits, or both, against which
the power levels of the channel are to be checked.
11. If power limits are defined and activated, activate global limit checking for the mea-
surement on the "MSR General Settings" tab.
Channel Power and Adjacent-Channel Power (ACLR) Measurement