Measurements and Results
User Manual 1173.9411.02 ─ 43
File contents
File data section
Measured peak values:
<range number>;
<start frequency>;
<stop frequency>;
<resolution bandwidth of range>;
<frequency of peak>;
<absolute power in dBm of peak>;
<distance to the limit line in dB>; (positive value
means above the limit)
<limit fail (pass = 0, fail =1)>;
Statistical Measurements (APD, CCDF)
To measure the amplitude distribution, the R&S
FSW has simple measurement func-
tions to determine both the Amplitude Probability Distribution (APD) and the Comple-
mentary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF). Only one of the signal statistic func-
tions can be switched on at a time.
APD and CCDF Basics - Gated Triggering
........................................................... 296
.............................................................................. 297
How to Perform an APD or CCDF Measurement
Optimizing and Troubleshooting the Measurement
.............................................. 307
About the Measurements
The probability of amplitude values can be measured with the Amplitude Probability
Distribution function (APD). During a selectable measurement time all occurring ampli-
tude values are assigned to an amplitude range. The number of amplitude values in
the individual ranges is counted and the result is displayed as a histogram.
Alternatively, the Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF) can be dis-
played. It shows the probability that the mean signal power amplitude will be exceeded
in percent.
Only one of the signal statistic functions can be switched on at a time. When a statistic
function is switched on, the R&S
FSW is set into zero span mode automatically. The
FSW measures the statistics of the signal applied to the RF input with the defined
analysis bandwidth. To avoid affecting the peak amplitudes the video bandwidth is
automatically set to 10 times the analysis bandwidth. The sample detector is used for
detecting the video voltage.
Statistical Measurements (APD, CCDF)