Measurements and Results
User Manual 1173.9411.02 ─ 43
of a total Tx channel power. Instead of the individual channel frequency offsets, the
absolute center frequencies are indicated for the transmit channels.
The CACLR and ACLR power results for each gap channel are appended at the end of
the table. The CACLR results are calculated as the power in the gap channel divided
by the power sum of the two closest transmission channels to either side of it.
Figure 7-28: Result summary for symmetrical channel definition
Figure 7-29: Result summary for asymmetrical channel definition
Remote command:
CALCulate:MARKer:FUNCtion:POWer<sb>:RESult? GACLr
CALCulate:MARKer:FUNCtion:POWer<sb>:RESult? MACM
, see
Restrictions and dependencies
As the signal structure in multi-standard radio signals can vary considerably, you can
define the channels very flexibly for the ACLR measurement with the R&S
checks or limitations are implemented concerning the channel definitions, apart from
the maximum number of channels to be defined. Thus, you are not notified if transmit
channels for a specific sub block lie outside the defined frequency range for the sub
block, or if transmit and gap channels overlap.
Channel Power and Adjacent-Channel Power (ACLR) Measurement