Common Analysis and Display Functions
User Manual 1173.9411.02 ─ 43
The import file contains trace 1, trace 2, and trace 4. The current result display has 4
active traces.
"Import to Trace" = 2: trace 2 of the import file is displayed as trace 2 in the result dis-
"Import to Trace" = 3: trace 3 is not available in the import file, thus trace 1 is imported
and displayed as trace 3 in the result display
"Import to Trace" is enabled: Trace 1 is imported from the file and replaces trace 1 in
the result display.
Trace 2 is imported from the file and replaces trace 2 in the result display.
Trace 4 is imported from the file and replaces trace 4 in the result display.
Trace 3 in the result display remains unchanged.
Importing spectrogram traces
Trace data can also be imported to an active Spectrogram result display.
Note the following differences that apply in this case:
The measurement must be stopped before import.
Only trace 1 is imported to the spectrogram. Any other traces may be imported to a
Spectrum display, if available. However, they do not change the spectrogram dis-
play, which always refers to trace 1.
A single spectrum is inserted as a new frame number 0.
The trace mode is
changed to "View" as for Spectrum trace imports.
Trace/Data Ex/Import
: [TRACE] > "Trace Config" > "Trace / Data Export"
The R&S
FSW provides various evaluation methods for the results of the performed
measurements. However, you may want to evaluate the data with other, external appli-
cations. In this case, you can export the measurement data to a standard ASCII format
file (
). You can also import existing trace data from a file, for example as a
reference trace (Spectrum application only).
The standard data management functions (e.g. saving or loading instrument settings)
that are available for all R&S
FSW applications are not described here.
Chapter 11.3, "Storing and Recalling Instrument Settings and Measurement Data"
on page 625 for a description of the standard functions.
Importing and Exporting Measurement Results for Evaluation