Safety Instructions
The contractor must ensure that the In-
structions for Assembly and Use sup-
plied by PERI are available at all times
and understood by the site personnel.
These Instructions for Assembly and
Use can be used as the basis for creat-
ing a risk assessment. The risk assess-
ment is compiled by the contractor.
These Instructions for Assembly and
Use do not replace the risk assessment!
Always take into consideration and com-
ply with the safety instructions and per-
missible loads.
For the application and inspection of
PERI products, the current safety regula-
tions and guidelines valid in the respec-
tive countries must be observed.
Materials and working areas are to be in-
spected on a regular basis, especially
before each use and assembly, for:
signs of damage,
stability and
Damaged components must be ex-
changed immediately on site and may
no longer be used.
Safety components are to be removed
only when they are no longer required.
Components provided by the contractor
must conform with the characteristics
required in these Instructions for Assem-
bly and Use, as well as all valid construc-
tion guidelines and standards. Unless
otherwise indicated, this applies in par-
ticular to:
Timber components: Strength Class
C24 for Solid Wood according to EN
Scaffold tubes: galvanised steel tubes
with minimum dimensions of Ø 48.3 x
3.2 mm according to EN 12811-1:2003
Scaffold tube couplings according to
EN 74.
Deviations from the standard configura-
tion are only permitted after a further
risk assessment has been carried out by
the contractor.
On the basis of this risk assessment, ap-
propriate measures for working and op-
erational safety as well as stability are to
be determined.
Corresponding proof of stability can be
provided by PERI on request if the risk
assessment and resulting measures to
be implemented are made available.
Before and after exceptional occurrenc-
es that may have had an adverse effect
regarding the safety of the slab props,
the contractor must immediately
create another risk assessment, with
appropriate measures for ensuring the
stability of the climbing enclosure be-
ing carried out based on the results.
arrange for an extraordinary inspection
to be carried out by a competent per-
son qualified to do so. The aim of this
inspection is to identify and rectify any
damage in good time, in order to guar-
antee the safe use of the climbing en-
Exceptional occurrences can include:
longer periods of non-use,
natural events, e.g. heavy rainfall, ic-
ing, heavy snowfall, storms or earth-
LPS Screen Lightweight Climbing Enclosure
Instructions for Assembly and Use – Standard Configuration