B4 Special Applications
Copyright PERI GmbH, Germany
Solutions with Climbing Rail RCS
: Variations of the standard solutions for LPS
This are just examples
a detailed planning may show deviating solutions, possibly using custom
made parts.
All special solutions require a separate structural analysis, an additional project-related risk
assessment and instructions for provision and use by the contractor (user).
LPS solutions with straight screens on Climbing
Rails RCS with Climbing Rail Extensions 100,
shown for different storey heights, guided by
Climbing Shoes RCS and anchored with ad-
justable Slab Shoes RCS 30.
The Slab Anchor Template-2 LPS fits also for
this anchor positions.
LPS solutions with platforms on Climbing Rails
RCS, shown for different storey heights, guided
by Climbing Shoes RCS, anchored with Slab
Shoes RCS.
The Slab Anchor Template-2 LPS fits also for
this anchor positions.