In addition to the standard configuration
shown in these Instructions for Assem-
bly and Use, a wide range of assembly
versions is possible. Accurate planning
can lead to deviating solutions, possibly
using components that must be pro-
duced according to customer-specific re-
The following assembly versions are not
covered by the standard configuration.
They are examples only and not to be
understood as assembly instructions in
any way. All assembly versions require
separate static proof, an additional pro-
ject-related risk assessment and assem-
bly instructions provided by the contrac-
tor (user).
LPS solution with additional working
platforms for circumferential access or
anchored in the walls.
Straight LPS solution extended in height
with additional finishing platform for
post-tensioning or just increased protec-
tion height.
LPS solution with additional finishing
platforms anchored in the walls or as fin-
ishing platform for post-tensioning.
B4 Special Applications
Fig. B4.03
LPS Screen Lightweight Climbing Enclosure
Instructions for Assembly and Use – Standard Configuration