BiG Pack 1270
Original Operating Instructions 150000747_02_en
Machine description ........................................... 40
Machine overview............................................... 40
Main drive ........................................................... 45
Main gearbox.................................................... 227
Maintaining the air filter of the pneumatic cylinder
......................................................................... 212
Maintenance - Before the beginning of the season
......................................................................... 201
Maintenance - Compressor .............................. 233
Maintenance - Every 10 hours but at least once a
day.................................................................... 202
Maintenance - every 2 years ............................ 203
Maintenance - Every 200 hours ....................... 203
Maintenance - Every 50 hours ......................... 203
Maintenance - Every 6 years............................ 203
Maintenance - Gearbox .................................... 227
Maintenance - General information .................. 201
Maintenance - Hydraulics ................................. 223
Maintenance - Lubrication ................................ 213
Maintenance - once after 10 hours................... 202
Maintenance - Once after 50 hours .................. 202
Maintenance and repair work ............................. 25
Maintenance table ............................................ 201
Malfunction, cause and remedy ....................... 236
Malfunctions electrics/electronics ..................... 236
Malfunctions in the central lubrication system .. 299
Malfunctions on the double knotter .................. 289
Malfunctions on the single knotter .................... 285
Manoeuvring the machine
Releasing hydraulic brake ...................... 189
Releasing the compressed air brake...... 189
Means of representation..................................... 10
Menu 1 "Knotter" .............................................. 148
Menu 1-1 "Correction value for bale length"..... 149
Menu 1-2 "Knotter signal"................................. 149
Menu 13 "Counters" ......................................... 163
Menu 1-3 "Knotter monitoring" ......................... 150
Menu 13-1 "Customer counter" ........................ 164
Menu 13-2 "Total counter"................................ 167
Menu 14 "ISOBUS" .......................................... 169
Menu 1-4 “Blowing Interval Knotter Cleaning".. 151
Menu 14-2 “Driving speed/direction of travel
diagnostics” ...................................................... 170
Menu 14-3 "Configuring main window"............. 170
Menu 14-4 "Set background colour"................. 172
Menu 14-9 “Switching Between the Terminals” 173
Menu 1-5 "Blowing time" .................................. 152
Menu 15 "Settings" ........................................... 174
Menu 15-1 “Sensor Test” ................................. 174
Menu 15-2 "Actuator test"................................. 179
Menu 15-3 "Software info"................................ 182
Menu 15-4 "Error list" ....................................... 182
Menu 1-9 "Calibrate MultiBale"......................... 153
Menu 2 "Sensitivity of direction display" ........... 155
Menu 3 "Central lubrication" ............................. 155
Menu 4 "Weighing device"................................ 156
Menu 5 "Moisture measurement" ..................... 158
Menu 5-1 “Error message for moisture
measurement" .................................................. 158
Menu 5-2 "Correction value for moisture
measurement" .................................................. 159
Menu 6 "Silage additive system" ...................... 161
Menu 8 "Self-steering axle" .............................. 161
Menu Structure ................................................. 142
Metric thread screws with control thread .......... 204
Metric thread screws with countersunk head and
hexagon socket ................................................ 205
Metric thread screws with fine thread ............... 205
Moisture measurement (Terminal) ................... 158
Mounting fire extinguisher .................................. 74
Mounting the safety chain .................................. 89
Mounting the safety chain (French export) ......... 82
Mounting universal shaft halves ......................... 70
Moving pick-up into transport/working position 103
Moving the sensing rake .................................. 338
MultiBale............................................................. 43
Noise may damage your health.......................... 23
Notes with information and recommendations ... 12