IEEE-488 Reference
:SVOLtage <NRf>
:TSEQuence:CLEakage:SVOLtage <NRf>
Bias voltage; cap leakage test
:TSEQuence:CIResistance:SVOLtage <NRf>
Bias voltage; cable insulation res test
:TSEQuence:RVCoefficient:SVOLtage[1] <NRf>
Bias voltage 1; Res voltage coef test
:TSEQuence:RVCoefficient:SVOLtage2 <NRf>
Bias voltage 2; Res voltage coef test
:TSEQuence:SRESistivity:SVOLtage <NRf>
Bias voltage; Sur resistivity test
:TSEQuence:VRESistivity:SVOLtage <NRf>
Bias voltage; Vol resistivity test
:TSEQuence:SIResistance:SVOLtage <NRf>
Bias voltage; Sur insulation res test
<NRf> =
-100.0 to 100.0
Volts; 100V range
-1000 to 1000
Volts; 1000V range
Query soak voltage
This configuration command is used for the following tests:
Capacitor Leakage Test
Cable Insulation Resistance Test
Resistor Voltage Coefficient Test
Surface Resistivity Test
Volume Resistivity Test
Surface Insulation Resistance Test
This command is used to specify the bias voltage for the specified test. Note that the Resistor
Voltage Coefficient Test uses two bias voltages; bias voltage 1 and bias voltage 2.
:STIMe <NRf>
:TSEQuence:SRESistivity:STIMe <NRf>
Bias time; surface resistivity test
:TSEQuence:VRESistivity:STIMe <NRf>
Bias time; volume resistivity test
:TSEQuence:SIResistance:STIMe <NRf>
Bias time; sur insul resistance test
:TSEQuence:STSWeep:STIMe <NRf>
Bias time; staircase sweep test
:STIMe <NRf> 0 to 9999.9(Staircase Sweep test) Delay in seconds
0 to 99999.9(all others)Delay in seconds
Query soak time
This configuration command is used for the following tests:
Surface Resistivity Test
Volume Resistivity Test
Surface Insulation Resistance Test
Staircase Sweep Test
This command is used to specify the bias time for the specified test.