IEEE-488 Reference
These commands are used to set the interval for the scan layer and measure layer timers. Note
that the timer is in effect only if the timer is the selected control source. Also, note that the arm
layer (Arm Layer 1) does not use a timer.
Bypass arm control source
Bypass scan control source
Bypass measure control source
These action commands are used to bypass the specified control source and also when you do
not wish to wait for the programmed event. Keep in mind that the instrument must be waiting
for the appropriate event when the command is sent. Otherwise, an error occurs and this com-
mand is ignored.
TCONfigure commands
:PROTocol <name>
:TRIGger[:SEQuence[1]]:TCONfigure:PROTocol <name>
Specify Trigger Link protocol
<name> = ASYNchronous
Asynchronous Trigger Link mode
Semi-synchronous Trigger Link mode
Query programmed Trigger Link protocol
This command is used to select the protocol for the measure layer Trigger Link. With ASYN-
chronous selected, separate trigger lines are used for input and output triggers. With SSYNchro-
nous selected, a single trigger line is used for both input and output triggers.
Note that the arm and scan layers only use the asynchronous Trigger Link mode and therefore,
do not have to be selected.
:DIRection <name>
:ARM[:SEQuence[1]][:LAYer[1]]:TCONfigure:DIRection <name>
Control Arm Source Bypass
:ARM[:SEQuence[1]]:LAYer2:TCONfigure:DIRection <name>
Control Scan Source Bypass
:TRIGger[:SEQuence[1]]:TCONfigure:DIRection <name>
Control Measure Source Bypass
<name> = SOURce
Enable Source Bypass
Disable Source Bypass
Query Source Bypass state
When a source bypass is enabled and the External or Trigger Link control source is selected,
operation loops around the appropriate control source on the initial pass through that layer. Note
that the source bypass for the scan and measure layers also loops around the delay.
If programmed for another pass through the specified layer (count >1), the bypass loop is not in
effect even though it is still enabled. The bypass loop will be in effect if operation first goes back
into the previous layer (or idle).
Enabling the Source Bypass for the arm and scan layers also enables their output triggers. When
operation leaves the arm or scan layer, the appropriate output trigger pulse occurs. If the Trigger
Link (TLINk) control source is selected, the output trigger is available on the programmed Trig-