IEEE-488 Reference
the *WAI command after the :INITiate command, all subsequent commands will not execute
until the Model 6517A goes back into idle.
The *TRG command issues a bus trigger which could be used to provide the arm, scan and mea-
sure events for the Trigger Model. By sending the *WAI command after the *TRG command,
subsequent commands will not be executed until the pointer for the Trigger Model has finished
moving in response to *TRG and has settled at its next state.
Program fragment
PRINT #1, "output 27; :syst:pres"
' Select defaults
PRINT #1, "output 27; :init:cont off; :abort"
' Place 6517A in idle
PRINT #1, "output 27; :arm:coun 1"
' Program for 30 measurements
and then stop (idle)
PRINT #1, "output 27; :arm:lay2:coun 1"
PRINT #1, "output 27; :trig:coun 30; sour tim"
PRINT #1, "output 27; :init; *wai"
' Start measurements and send
PRINT #1, "output 27; :data?"
' Query a reading
PRINT #1, "enter 27"
' Get reading after 6517A goes
into idle
' Read the reading
' Display the reading