Front Panel Operation
Model 6517A:
Idle State:
Bench reset = :INIT:CONT ON*
Arm layer:
Arm source = Immediate*
Arm count = 1*
Arm trigger control = Acceptor*
Scan layer:
Scan source = Immediate*
Scan count = Infinite*
Scan trigger control = Acceptor*
Measure layer:
Measure source = External
Measure count = Infinite*
Measure trigger control = Acceptor*
* Indicates that the setting is the BENCH RESET (and factory) default con-
Model 7001 or 7002:
Idle State:
Scan List = 1!1-1!10,
Arm layer:
Arm spacing = Immediate*
Arm count = 1*
Arm trigger control = Acceptor*
Scan layer:
Scan spacing = Immediate*
Number of scans = 1
Scan trigger control = Acceptor*
Channel Layer:
Channel spacing = External
Number of channels = Use Scanlist length*
Channel trigger control = Source*
* Indicates that the setting is the RESET (and factory) default condition.
Notice that the Model 6517A is reset to BENCH defaults.
With this selection, the electrometer stays armed. Since the
arm source and scan source are set to Immediate, the Model
6517A waits in the measure layer for a trigger.
With the Channel Trigger Control of the Model 7001/7002
set for Source, scan operation initially bypasses the need for
a Trigger Link trigger to close the first channel. Since arm
spacing and scan spacing are set to Immediate, the scan starts
as soon as the scanner is taken out of the idle state by press-
ing the STEP key.
To run the test and store the readings in the Model 6517A,
press STORE on the electrometer, enter the desired number
of readings (ten), and press ENTER. The Model 6517A waits
(with the asterisk annunciator lit) for a Trigger Link trigger
from the Model 7001/7002.
Press STEP on the Model/7002 to start the scan. The scan-
ner's output pulse triggers the Model 6517A to take a read-
ing, store it, and send a trigger pulse. The following
explanation on operation is referenced to the operation mod-
el shown in Figure 2-66.
The BENCH RESET condition arms the Model
6517A and places electrometer operation at point A in the
flowchart, where it is waiting for a Trigger Link trigger. Note
that since both the arm layer and scan layer are programmed
for Immediate Source, operation immediately drops down to
the measure layer at point A.
Pressing STEP takes the Model 7001/7002 out of the
idle state and places operation at point B in the flowchart.
Since both the arm layer and scan layers are programmed for
Immediate Spacing, operation drops down to the Channel
Layer at point B.
Since Channel Trigger Source is set to Source, the
scan does not wait at point B for a trigger. Instead, it bypass-
es “Wait for Trigger Link Trigger” and closes the first chan-
nel (point C). Note that the Bypass is in effect only on the
first pass through the model.
After the relay settles, the Model 7001/7002 outputs a
Channel Ready pulse (point D). Since the instrument is pro-
grammed to scan ten channels, operation loops back up to
point B, where it waits for an input trigger. Note that Bypass
is no longer in effect.
Remember that the Model 6517A operation
is at point A waiting for a trigger. The output Channel Ready
pulse from the Model 7001/7002 triggers the electrometer to
measure DUT #1 (point E). After the measurement is com-
plete, the Model 6517A outputs a completion pulse (point F)
and then loops back to point A, where it waits for another in-
put trigger. The trigger applied to the Model 7001/7002 from
the Model 6517A closes the next channel in the scan. This
triggers the electrometer to measure the next DUT. The pro-
cess continues until all ten channels are scanned and mea-