IEEE-488 Reference
:POINts <n>
:TRACe:POINts <n>
Specify buffer size
<n> = 1 to MAXimum
Specify number or readings
DEFault 100
See table 2-22
Query buffer size
This command is used to specify the size of the buffer. When the specified number of readings
are stored in the buffer, the buffer is considered to be full.
:AUTO <b>
Control auto buffer sizing
<b> = 0 or OFF
Disable auto buffer sizing
1 or ON
Enable auto buffer sizing
Query state of auto buffer sizing
This command is used to enable or disable auto buffer sizing. When enabled, the buffer size de-
faults to the measure count value in the Trigger Model (see :TRIGger:COUNt in Trigger sub-
system). With auto buffer enabled, changing the Trigger Model's measure count value changes
the buffer size to that value. If the :TRIGger:COUNt is greater than the maximum buffer size,
the buffer is adjusted to the maximum size and the following message is displayed:
+314 "Buffer sizing error; sized to MAX"
Disabling auto buffer sizing does not affect the size of the buffer. It simply means that you must
then use the :POINts command to change the buffer size.
If you use the :POINts command to change the buffer size while auto is enabled, the buffer size
changes to that value and auto buffer sizing disables.
If you try to enable auto buffer sizing while the measure count is programmed for infinite, an
error will occur and the command will be ignored. You cannot have an infinite buffer size.
Query number of readings in buffer
This query command returns the number of readings that are currently stored in the buffer. After
sending this command, the number of readings stored in the buffer will be sent to the computer
when the Model 6517A is addressed to talk. This command can be used to monitor the storage