IEEE-488 Reference
See *OPC, *TRG and *WAI for more information.
Program fragment
PRINT #1, "output 27; :syst:pres"
' Select defaults
PRINT #1, "output 27; :init:cont off; :abort"
' Place 6517A in idle
PRINT #1, "output 27; :arm:coun 1"
' Program for 5 measurements
and stop (idle)
PRINT #1, "output 27; :arm:lay2: coun 1"
PRINT #1, "output 27; :trig: coun 5; sour tim"
PRINT #1, "output 27; :init; *opc?"
' Start measurements and send
PRINT #1, "enter 27"
' Get response when 6517A goes
into idle
' Read contents of Output Queue
' Display the ASCII "1"
3.11.7 *OPT? — option identification query
Determine which option s installed.
The response message provides the model number of the option installed in the option slot of
the Model 6517A. If there is no option installed, then a zero (0) will be returned.
3.11.8 *RCL — recall
Return to a setup stored in memory.
<NRf> = 0 to 9 Specify memory location
This command is used to return the Model 6517A to a setup configuration stored at a memory
location. The *SAV command is used to store a setup configuration at a memory location (see
paragraph 3.11.10).
The Model 6517A is shipped from the factory with :SYSTem:PRESet defaults loaded into the
available setup memories. If a recall error occurs, the setup memories default to the :SYS-
Tem:PRESet values.
3.11.9 *RST — reset the Model 6517A
When the *RST command is sent, the Model 6517A performs the following operations:
1. Returns the Model 6517A to the *RST default conditions (see SCPI tables).
2. Cancels all pending commands.
3. Cancels response to any previously received *OPC and *OPC? commands.
3.11.10 *SAV — save the current setup in memory
<NRf> = 0 to 9 Specify memory location
The *SAV command is used to save the current instrument setup configuration in memory for
later recall. Any control affected by *RST can be saved by the *SAV command. The *RCL com-
mand is used to restore the instrument to a saved setup configuration.