IEEE-488 Reference
<n> =
0 to 100e18
Expected reading in ohms (Auto V-Source ohms)
0 to 21e3
Expected reading in ohms (Manual V-Source ohms)
100e18 (Auto V-Source ohms)
21e3 (Manual V-Source ohms)
Same as DEFault
Query programmed measurement range
[:UPPer]? DEFault
Query *RST default range
[:UPPer]? MINimum
Query lowest measurement range
[:UPPer]? MAXimum
Query highest measurement range
These commands are used to manually select the measurement range for the ohms function. The
range is selected by specifying the expected reading as an absolute value. The Model 6517A will
then go to the most sensitive range that will accommodate that expected reading. For example,
if you expect a reading of approximately 100M
, simply let the parameter (<n>) = 100e6 in
order to select the 200M
[:SENSe[1]:RESistance[:AUTO]:RANGe:AUTO <b>|ONCE
Control auto range for Auto V-Source Ohms
[:SENSe[1]:RESistance:MANual:CRANge:AUTO <b>|ONCE
Control auto range for Manual V-Source
<b> =
1 or ON
Enable auto range
0 or OFF
Disable auto range
Enable and then disable auto range
Query autorange (on or off)
These commands are used to control autoranging. With autoranging enabled, the instrument au-
tomatically goes to the most sensitive range to perform the measurement (see paragraph 2.12.4
for details).
The ONCE parameter is analogous to a momentary toggle switch. When :AUTO ONCE is sent,
auto range enables and the most sensitive rangeis selected for the input signal. Auto range will
then disable, but the selected measurement range is retained. Note that the instrument must be
on the ohms function in order for ONCE to be effective. Using ONCE while on any other func-
tion results in an error.
The autorange commands (:RANGe:AUTO and :CRANge:AUTO) are coupled to the com-
mands that manually select the measurement range (:RANGe <n> and :CRANge <n>). When
autorange is enabled, the parameter value for the manual range command changes to the auto-
matically selected range value. Thus, when autorange is disabled, the instrument remains at the
automatically selected range. When a valid manual range command is sent, autoranging dis-
When using auto range, upper and lower range limits can be established for Auto V-Source
Ohms to keep the instrument from autoranging to ranges that are not going to be used (see next
:ULIMit <n>
[:SENSe[1]:RESistance[:AUTO]:RANGe:AUTO:ULIMit <n>
Set upper limit for Auto V-Source Ohms