IEEE-488 Reference
• The Model 6517A is placed in the idle state.
• All math calculations are disabled.
• Buffer operation is disabled. A storage operation currently in process will be aborted.
• Autozero controls are set to the *RST default values.
• The acquisition method is set to normal.
• All operations associated with switching cards (scanning) are disabled.
This command is automatically asserted when the :MEASure? command is sent.
Program fragment
PRINT #1, "output 27; :conf:res"
' Perform :CONFigure operations
This command is typically used to acquire a post-processed reading after the instrument has
been configured by the :CONFigure command. The :CONFigure command places the instru-
ment in a “one-shot” measurement mode. Every time the :READ? command is then sent, a mea-
surement conversion will occur and the reading will be acquired.
When this command is sent, the following commands will be executed in the order that they are
When :ABORt is executed, the instrument will go into the idle state if continuous initiation is
disabled. Otherwise, operation will re-start at the beginning of the Trigger Model.
If the instrument is in the idle state, :INITiate will take the instrument out of the idle state. If
continuous initiation is enabled, (:INITiate:CONTinuous ON), then the :INITiate command will
generate an error and ignore the command.
The :FETCh? for details. Note that an “Init ignored” error will not cancel the execution of the
:FETCh? command.
Program fragment
PRINT #1, "output 27; :conf:res"
' Select "one-shot" ohms
PRINT #1, "output 27; :read?"
' Perform :READ? operations
' Get response message from